
Receive SMS online
with Belgian disposable phone numbers

Use our virtual temporary phone numbers from Belgium to receive SMS for free. Receive verification and registration codes from most popular services using Belgian SMS phone numbers. Just choose any Belgian phone number from the list below.

All numbers above are temporary phone numbers from Belgium, some people call them fake Belgian phone numbers, but those numbers are 100% percent real and can be used to receive SMS online from any other phone number based in Belgium, as well as most of other international numbers. This page is and will be updated with new Belgian phone numbers, whenever numbers listed above will expire. We will add new Belgian numbers according to your demand.

Please note that these phone numbers from Belgium, should not be used to receive any important and personal information or any other data that must remain private. Any person with access to the internet can read all text messages sent to those Belgian numbers.

Keep in mind that these Belgian phone numbers are temporary and should be treated as disposable phone numbers. Those numbers will be automatically inactivated and removed after set period of time (about 1 month).

If you see that on of ours Belgian phone numbers is blocked in some service, just try using another one and let us know that which number from Belgium needs replacing.

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